

[P3] Kernel Based Numerical Approach to Exploration of State-Space for Optimal Learning,
Aneesh Raghavan, Giacomo Sartori, Karl H. Johansson,

[P2] Distributed Regression by Two Agents from Noisy Data,
Aneesh Raghavan, Karl H. Johansson,
Accepted for publication at European Control Conference 2023.

[P1] Cooperative Hypothesis Testing by Two Observers with Asymmetric Information,
Aneesh Raghavan, John S.Baras,
to be Submitted.

Journal Publications

[J1] Order Effects of Measurements in Multi-Agent Hypothesis Testing,
Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
Communications in Information and Systems, Volume 21, Number 2, 173-208, 2021.

Conference Publications

[C10] Binary Hypothesis Testing with Learning of Empirical Distributions
Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2021), 671-676.

[C9] Binary Hypothesis Testing by Two Collaborating Observers: A Fresh Look,
Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1-4th July 2019, Akko, Israel.

[C8] Non-Commutative Probability Models in Human Decision Making: Binary Hypothesis Testing,
Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems (CPHS), 2018, 47-52, 14-15 December 2018, Miami, U.S.A.

[C7] Stochastic Control Formulation of The Overtake Problem,
Aneesh Raghavan, Jieqiang Wei, John S. Baras, Karl H. Johansson,
15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2018)}, 124-129, 6-8 June 2018, Savona, Italy.

[C6] Collaborative Sequential Detection of Gaussian Models from Observed Data and The Value of Information Exchanged,
Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
IEEE 56th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017, 15-20, 12-15 December 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

[C5] Detection of Markov Chain Models Using Binary Hypothesis Testing and Consensus,
Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2017, 3893-3898, 9-14 July 2017, Toulouse, France

[C4] Stochastic Differential Linear-Quadratic Games with Intermittent Asymmetric Observations,
Dipankar Maity, Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
2017 American Control Conference, 3670-3675, 24-26 May 2017, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.

[C3] Time Varying Control Set Design for UAV Collision Avoidance Using Reachable Tubes,
Yuchen Zhou, Aneesh Raghavan, John S. Baras,
IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6857-6862, 12-14 December 2016, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.

[C2] Integrated Guidance and Control for Precision Guided Munition,
Aneesh Raghavan, Pulak Halder, Siddartha Mukhopadhyay,
IEEE INDICON Conference ,13-15 December 2013, Mumbai, India. Best Paper award in “Control and interdisciplinary” track.

[C1] Integrated Guidance and Control for Precision Guided Munition for Anti-Tank Application,
Aneesh Raghavan, Pulak Halder, Siddartha Mukhopadhyay,
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control, Signal Processing and Computing Applications (C2SPCA),10-11 October 2013, Bangalore, India.

Ph.D Dissertation

The Role of Information in Multi-Agent Decision Making,
Aneesh Raghavan,
Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate School, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A, December 2019.